For children, Tartine / sandwich

The Pink Queen Cheese club sandwich

People 4 Foodlovers
Preparation 30 min.

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Sandwich topping

  • 200 g Pink Queen Cheese
  • 12 slices of beetroot bread
  • 400 g cooked chicken breasts
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 lettuce

Homemade mayonnaise

  • 20 g Fallot mustard
  • 30 ml vinegar
  • 2 egg yolks
  • Peanut oil
  • 2 g Albert Ménès curry powder
  • Table salt, freshly ground pepper

Preparation steps

Make the mayonnaise.

  1. To do so, pour the mustard and egg yolks into a bowl.
  2. Mix them with a whisk, slowly trickling in the peanut oil to make the mayonnaise.
  3. Season the mayonnaise with the curry powder, table salt and freshly ground pepper. Add a dash of vinegar to enhance the flavour.
  4. Set aside.

Assembling of the club sandwich.

  1. Lightly toast the slices of pink bread.
  2. Spread a tablespoon of the curry mayonnaise on one side of each slice of bread.
  3. On the first slice of bread, place a lettuce leaf, a few slices of chicken and tomato, and a generous slice of Pink Queen Cheese.
  4. Place a second slice of bread on top. Repeat the previous step with the mayonnaise, lettuce, chicken, tomatoes and cheese. Top with a third slice of bread.
  5. Push a wooden pick through the centre to hold it in place, then slice it diagonally to form two triangles.
  6. Serve the pink club sandwiches with crisps or a green salad.

😉 Tips and Ideas: You can also make a vegetarian version, with slices of beetroot for even more pink.

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