Festive recipe, Fondue, Main dish

Normande fondue

People 4 Foodlovers

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  • 1 Camembert de Normandie AOP Xavier David (250g)
  • 1 Pont l’Evêque AOP La Réserve des Crémiers (250g)
  • 1 Livarot AOP (250g)
  • 4 tablespoons of crème fraîche AOP ISIGNY
  • 30 cl of Cidre fermier
  • 2 cl of Calvados du Breuil

Preparation steps

  1. Cut the cheese into thin strips and remove the rind.
  2. Pour the wine into the fondue pot and heat.
  3. Quickly add the cheese and stir to mix with the wine.
  4. Continue stirring the mixture with a wooden spoon in a figure 8 pattern until the cheese is melted and the fondue is smooth.
  5. Light the warmer for the fondue on the table. Place the fondue pot on top while stirring the cheese.
  6. You’re all set! Enjoy your cheesy fondue!


😉 Tip: If the texture is too runny, make a roux and stir it into the fondue. You can also use cornflour, but a roux will add more flavour.
Do not remove the rind from the cheeses: it will save on wastage and add more flavour.

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