Festive recipe, Main dish, Starter

Chèvrerousse d’Argental tiramisu with leek shoestring fries

People 4 Foodlovers
Preparation 30 min.

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  • 150 g Chèvrerousse d’Argental
  • 35 cl Crème d’Isigny – Crème fraîche 35 %
  • 80 g Croc Salé aux oignons – herzhafte Zwiebel-Cracker von Goulibeur
  • 20 g Isigny-Butter
  • 2 Blätter Gelatine
  • 1 Stange Lauch
  • Frittieröl
  • Salz
  • Pfeffer aus der Mühle
  • Piment d’Espelette von Albert Ménès

Preparation steps

Setting time: 3 hours
Difficulty level: Advanced 👨‍🍳👨‍🍳👨‍🍳

  1. Cut the cheese into small cubes. Melt in a bain-marie together with 50 ml of cream. Mix with a spatula until you have a smooth, even cream.
  2. Soften the gelatine in a bowl of lukewarm water. Squeeze in your hand to remove excess water then melt it in a little water in a small saucepan. Add the cheese and cream.
  3. Meanwhile, blitz the crackers into a breadcrumb consistency in a food processor and add in the softened butter. Mix together to form a dough.
  4. Fill the bottoms of your verrines with the butter and cracker mixture.
  5. Use a whisk to thicken up the rest of the cream and carefully add in the cheese and cream mixture. Season to taste with table salt, freshly ground pepper and a pinch of Espelette pepper.
  6. Fill the verrines with the mixture and chill for at least 3 hours.
  7. Separate each layer of the leek, wash and slice them into thin matchsticks.
  8. When ready to serve, heat the cooking oil and fry the cut leeks. Remove from the oil and place on a paper towel.
  9. Season with a little salt and place a handful of leeks on top of each verrine before serving.
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