
Cheese fondue “Moitié-Moitié”

People 4 Foodlovers

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  • 400 g of Gruyère AOP Signature
  • 400 g of Vacherin Fribourgeois Signature
  • 35 cl of dry white wine

Preparation steps

Moitié-moitié, or half and half fondue, is a blend of Vacherin Fribourgeois from Moléson and Swiss Gruyère d’alpage. It’s the quintessential Swiss fondue. The combination of these two cheeses strikes the perfect balance, creating a fondue that’s full of character and extremely smooth. Gruyère has a fine paste and a distinctive flavour, while Vacherin Fribourgeois has a smooth paste with a bold and refined taste.

Prepare the side dishes before cooking so that you can eat directly when the cheese fondue is ready.

Instructions to cook a perfect fondue

  1. Cut the cheese into thin strips and remove the rind.
  2. Pour the wine into the fondue pot and heat.
  3. Quickly add the cheese and stir to mix with the wine.
  4. Continue stirring the mixture with a wooden spoon in a figure 8 pattern until the cheese is melted and the fondue is smooth.
  5. Light the warmer for the fondue on the table. Place the fondue pot on top while stirring the cheese.
  6. It is ready and should be consumed immediately !

😉 Tips and Ideas: You need fresh bread for dipping. Baguette, white bread or farmhouse bread cut into bite-sized cubes are suitable. Traditionally, boiled potatoes are served with it. You can also add Grisons meat, gherkins and silver onions, which you eat on the side and which add variety to the flavour.

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