Kevin Koch. Swiss cosmopolitan & innovative affineur. Once a wheel of cheese carries his label, it’s a seal proving its excellent quality. Handmade Swiss premium products created by combining traditional methods and modern elements and which are offered as «Tailor-Made Cheese».

For Kevin Koch the aim is to use a great deal of creativity and intuition to create bespoke cheese creations that could not be more unique. True cheese art is always in touch with the Zeitgeist, inspired by nature and trends, or even setting trends itself. The same principle applies to fashion. This is how the cheese creations in Appenzell come into being, all of them„Tailor-Made Cheese“ by Koch. The 4 current collections are called HAUTE COULEUR, ESSENCIA, FINESSE and HERITAGE.
For the perfect product that they offer, creativity and love of details are just as essential as their discerning understanding of quality. As a small team with a wealth of long-standing experience, the Koch dairy strive for unique cheese creations that connoisseurs are enthusiastic about. They know the market and its needs, are full of ideas and ambitious – and they listen closely whenever their retail partners would like to have individual products to offer to their customers.