Vacherin Fribourgeois AOP extra corsé Sélection Grossrieder
As far as the selection is concerned, apart from the aspect, which must also be as wholesome and dark as possible, with a slightly wavy rind whenever possible, we have choosen this Vacherin cheese made from thermised milk, and matured for at least 5 months. This is an Extra Strong (Extra Corsé) appellation within the Protected Designation of Origin (AOP) quality label. We select the most generous and most compact cheeses. This homogeneous (no core) and generous, melt-in-the-mouth cheese imparts a frank, buttery and slight and fleeting acid taste that can even be quite typically mineral. What we do not want in our selection is the slight bitterness that is present in some Swiss cheeses. As for the Vacherin Fribourgeois, my numerous visits and tasting sessions have shown that this Vacherin is the most perfect, and the most typical.