Original Sage Derby
Sage Derby is one of England’s most iconic cheeses. Originally made for special occasions, such as celebrating the end of the harvest or the festive season. Sage leaves were used not just for their appearance, but above all for their benefits. Sage Derby is now being produced in the traditional way for the first time in over 125 years in Derbyshire by Hartington Creamery. It is made entirely by hand, similar to cheddar cheese, with the curds being cheddarised. Sage is added by hand to part of the curd, then kneaded to impregnate the curd with its delicate flavour. The cheese is then moulded in alternating layers with and without sage, pressed and matured for 4 months in the cellars of the Hartington creamery. Sage Derby Hartington has a unique and distinctive appearance. Its texture is similar to cheddar, and its flavour is mild with subtle notes of sage.