Cow's milk
Cow's milk
Pasteurized milk
Pasteurized milk

Gorgonzola DOP cucchiaio La Tosi 1/2 wheel

1/2 wheel 1 x 6 kg (~)

In a wooden box. The Gorgonzola Dolce Tosi DOP is extremely soft, creamy and well balanced. Its velvety paste exudes the unmistakeable flavour of fresh cream, and it has an exquisite blue cheese aftertaste. This cheese can be enjoyed as a spread, and also makes a perfect ingredient for pizzas, salad dressings and pasta sauces. Maturing period: min. 3 months.

Cow's milk
Cow's milk
Pasteurized milk
Pasteurized milk
Recipe suggestion La Tosi Gorgonzola DOP éclair with almonds
People 4 Foodlovers
Preparation 30 min.
Cooking time 20 - 25 min.

To the recipe

Recipe suggestion Pots de Crème with Gorgonzola DOP Cucchiaio, flavoured with Grisons Beef
People 4 Foodlovers
Preparation 10
Cooking time 5

To the recipe

Recipe suggestion Italian fondue with Fontina and Gorgonzola
People 4 Foodlovers

To the recipe

Recipe suggestion Bouillabaisse with Gorgonzola DOP Cucchiaio
People 4 Foodlovers
Preparation 25
Cooking time 30

To the recipe

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