Buffalo's milk
Buffalo's milk
Pasteurized milk
Pasteurized milk

Bufalotto bianco al pistacchio Selezioni d’Autore

1 x 1,8 kg (~)

Bufalotto stuffed with italian pistachios (3.5%). Soft cheese with a bloomy rind and hand-made in Italy’s Bergamo region, using the very finest buffalo milk. It has the typical shape and appearance of the cheeses made in the region. It combines the mild flavour, creamy texture and freshness of buffalo-milk cheese with crunchy Italian pistachios. A real delicacy! The Bufalotto has a square shape, a handsome white bloomy rind, a dense and creamy paste, fresh aromas and distinctive flavours. A tasty cheese that everyone will enjoy.

Buffalo's milk
Buffalo's milk
Pasteurized milk
Pasteurized milk
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