Appetizer, Breakfast, Dessert

Comté AOP Fort Saint-Antoine and chocolate Mikado

People 4 Foodlovers
Preparation 15 min.
Cooking time 5 - 6 min.

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For the shortcrust pastry

  • 150 g grated Comté AOP Fort Saint-Antoine
  •  250 g flour
  • 50 g icing sugar
  • 125 g butter
  • 30 g water
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 pinch flower of salt crystals

For the chocolate

  • 30 g dark chocolate

Preparation steps

Difficulty : Easy👨‍🍳

  1. In a bowl, mix the flour and the butter, cut into very small cubes. Sand with your fingertips. When the butter has been completely absorbed, add the icing sugar, fleur de sel, egg yolk, ¾ of the grated cheese and cold water.
  2. Mix to form a smooth ball of dough (do not overwork the dough, as it may become elastic).
  3. Wrap the dough in cling film and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  4. Preheat the oven to 180°C.
  5. Shape the dough into 15cm-long strands and place your Mikados on the baking tray.
  6. Place in the oven for around 5-6 minutes, keeping an eye on the colouring.
  7. Remove the mikados from the oven and set aside at room temperature.
  8. At the same time, melt the dark chocolate in a bain-marie.
  9. Using a fork, brush the mikados with the chocolate.
  10. Leave to cool and enjoy as an aperitif or when you’re feeling peckish!
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